Frequently Asked Questions

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Where Can I Purchase?…

Q- Where can I purchase FREENY originals and signed stuff?

A- You can visit my sister website to purchase hand-made items, prints and limited edition toys, all signed.

Q- Where can I purchase newly released FREENY production toys?

A- You can visit my production partners, for newly released toys and special items such as Hidden Dissectables, Xxray, and Premium Woodworked series.

Q- Where can I purchase an item i found on the internet that is “Sold Out” on your website?

A- Almost all of my designs are created in limited editions, either a one of a kind sculpture, small batch, hand finished stereolithographs, or limited run production toys. If an Item is “Sold Out” that usually means you cannot purchase them anymore. You can search through ebay or take your chances looking for after market sales but once an item is sold out, it will never be available again. Popular items are sometimes reintroduced with a different color setup (Colorway) but once a specific design/colorway is sold out, it is gone forever.

Who are?…

Q- Who are artists that inspire you?

A- Lichtenstein, Escher, Warhol, George Petty, Robert Williams… are the short list :)

What Is?…

Q- What is an ”AP”

A- “AP” stands for “Artists Proof”. Items listed as “AP” are additional items produced outside of a numbered edition, usually for the artists own records or archives and are usually the same quality as the numbered edition. While “numbered editions” are a set amount of pieces produced, there is no set number for how many AP’s are produced.

Q- What is a “Prototype”

A- “Prototypes” are pieces that are created in the process of, or building up to the final product. Prototypes are preliminary pieces either hand sculpted or 3D-printed, usually to test out shapes, forms and colors before the final production run. Sometimes the production process requires a hand sculpted “Master” that will be used to create a casting mold, or scanned digitally in order to create multiple copies in the final production process.

Q- What is a “Colorway”?

A- A “Colorway” is defined in the dictionary as “any of a range of combinations of colors in which a style or design is available.” In Designer Toys, it usually refers to a re-issued toy design that is offered with a new or different color setup than the original release or any colorway that came before it. Many toys are released in different color variations, each different color setup is referred to as a “Colorway”.

Can I?…

Q- Can I have Jason lecture at my school, university or business?

A- Yes, I have been invited to lecture and tell my story at schools, universities and businesses all over the world. Many universities have budgets set aside for these very things. If you are looking to have me visit, you should contact your department head and submit a request. I can be contacted via email to discuss possibilities…

Q- Can I tattoo your design?

A- Go nuts. If you want to be super groovy, tag and credit me, I love to see tattoos :)